วันอังคารที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

B5873722 chanikan


 What is his name ?

   His name is Ryu Vachirawich.

 What does he look like ? 

   He is handsome and cute be charming.

 What kind of sport does he play ? 

   He plays table tennis.

 What has been his sport success ? 

   -Thailand's national youth table tennis. 
   -Table tennis competition,won the third edition was 15 years old.

 Why do you like him ?

  I like his ability and develop further

                                            First Draft

                                             Ryu Vachirawich
Ryu Vachirawich is athletes of a table tennis youth Thailand national team,
has people pay attention more in this time. He is handsome and cute be charming.
He is interested in sports, table tennis since 9 years old 
and a national athlete at the age of 15 years old. The award he received last runner is 
the third of the race "All Thailand" version was 15 years. 
The reason I like him because of his ability and skill development.
I will follow up and encouraged him all the time when there is competition.